Monday, June 06, 2005

Do something Good today

In 2004, with the help of my friends, I wrote a small cookbook called “Circle of Friends 2004” and sold it to raise money for a school in Fouriesburg, South Africa. It's a collection of recipes and photos that I've compiled into a book (if I can call it that!). If you would like to support this school then please contact Rose Bailey directly via as she manages the project and will be selling copies of the book.

If you have a school you would like to support, why don’t you write your own “Circle of Friends” book?

Here is my introductory paragraph to help your inspiration…

When I first told my friend I was writing cookbook, he said “But you can’t cook.” I said, “I know. I can’t write a book either.”

And so the adventure began…

This recipe book was borne out of compulsion to fill an empty void in my life. The long, dismal winter ahead of me was too fearful to face without a project to help pass the hours away. I realise that as we pass through life we all suffer loss and have empty spaces in our lives. Its being able to reach out and make contact with others that helps to ease the pain and though we will never recover what is lost, we can at least fill our lives with good things, wholesome things, and wonderful people that remind us of how worthwhile this all is after all. I needed to remind myself that I am a very lucky girl indeed to know so many people and I wanted to remind those people that they are too part of a network, a Circle of Friends.

(Extract from "Circle of Friends 2004" compiled by S Langton)

My point is: You can make the world a better place. Yes YOU.

It doesn’t have to be something remarkable or extreme. For instance, changing your light bulbs to energy efficient ones. How about reducing paper waste at work. Find out if furniture is made out of sustainable wood before you buy – and don’t buy if it isn’t. Smile when you say thank you. Walk your kids to school. There must be thousands of things that you could do that would make a little difference.

The thing that I feel most strongly about is EDUCATION. This is the most valuable thing that you can give a child. So, educate your children and if you are like me (fancy free), then please, find a way of helping the kids out there who without your help would not have the opportunity to learn. You will be giving them the chance to rise up and become someone they could not dream of becoming without education – without your help.