Thursday, November 16, 2006

Reached Nairobi!!!

We have reached Nairobi and all the boys and the machines are okay. We are really tired and the vehicles need a good service and some fixing. The tough bit of the trip is behind us and it is all relatively easy from now. It's great!! It's a little bit of a strange feeling - almost disappointing (did I admit that?!). It's just that we are bearly over four thousand kilometers from Cape Town and that will mean this wonderful adventure is over. Well, we have quite a few detours planned... I've had the most amazing time and I can ride bad roads like a demon. It was such a daunting stretch of "road" across some extreme terrain facing massive cultural challenges (and stomach wrenching sanitation) - and now I'VE DONE IT.

Will write up some blogs and do some photos before we leave Nairobi and head towards Uganda.

Please please!!! To all those who read my blog... Please make a happy Christmas donation to the Stand Up For Africa project as I'll be there soon to see the project begin.

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