Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Motorcycle Babes, but where are the Boys?

I guess I should say from the onset that quite often I do not like the way women are portrayed when in association with motorbikes.

However, I do have a sense of humour and so often can see the funny side of things and am seldom offended.

All said, the thing that annoys me most, is that while women are objectified men aren’t. I would quite like to see fit fellow on bikes dressed in sexy leather bits, bare-chested, sporting a six-pack. That would be nice. That would be very nice. I would like a centre fold of a dead gorgeous man on a stonking big bike for my garage wall.

A bit of motorcycle babe marketing that works is the “MCN babes”. These girls are pretty fit-bits but I quite like the girls and they are portrayed in many articles and adverts – with a personality – all be it bimbo! I can’t imagine any one of them has even been on the back of a bike (I hope not as they seem to only wear little lycra outfits). However, it works because the whole marketing pitch is well engineered and at the end of the day, the girls are “nice girls” and fun.

Motorcycle marketing that does NOT work is the naked girl wearing some or other piece of motorcycle clothing/gear. It’s not women’s clothing. It’s not sexy. It’s not clever. It’s TACKY. It’s DUMB and it assumes that men are dumb too. It also assumes that women do not drive bikes and if we do, we wear, um, thermal gloves, and nothing else?

I have already alluded to my big disappointment, which is: women motorcycle babes are sexy (slappers) while men motorcycle dudes are fat old oafs.

There are more and more women on motorbikes all the time. We really do represent a growing market and so it would be superb to be more acknowledged.

For motorcycle industry, here is my list of easy ways to make biker babes smile:

* Don’t assume the girl goes on the back. Assume she drives her own bike.
* Don’t be scared to talk to girls looking lost in your shop. They are customers too and may need your assistance.
* Being friendly and professional makes a girl feel confident and trust you. Being a flirt makes them think you’re a sleaze and your products dodgy.
* Keep smaller sizes available in shops, especially boots.
* If possible, where you don’t have smaller sizes, offer to get in smaller sizes to try on. Get the item in and then call back so the customer can come in again – with no pressure to buy if it still isn’t right.
* Advertise selling your products by describing the benefits, bearing in mind that a woman may be interested in it too.
* Those designing gear should make more biking clothes for girls that are fashionable and still proper safety gear.
* Never flirt.