Home Coming Revolution – here I come!
The South African government is running a campaign to encourage South Africans who have been abroad for a number of years to go back home. They are asking us to return and take an active part in contributing to the economy by offering our skills, experience and hard earned pounds and dollars. It looks very lucrative especially for entrepreneurs and this is one of the most positive and upbeat voices I have heard from back home, and makes a very pleasant change from the whinging-whites I hear so often. As for me, I’m 110% convinced this is the right thing for me! Only I’m not going to pitch up with oodles of dosh to invest. I’ll have a clapped out motorcycle, oodles of enthusiasm, work experience and the desire to make the world a better place starting with SA.
For more information go to www.homecomingrevolution.co.za - South Africa is not for sissies!