Carolina Farm School - Xmas update
Here is a message from Rose of Carolina Farm School. As you will see, the kids are making progress and the school has more books than before. If you would like to find out how to help this school contact Rose: P.O. Box 143, Fouriesburg, South Africa, 9725 Tel No: +27 58 2230552 or look at their website Carolina Lodge
Carolina Lodge has also seen the gap in the Offroad market so take a look at their website and click on Offroad link.
Email from Rose about Caroling Farm School
"Carolina Farm School would like to wish you and your family a very happy Christmas and New Year, and we would like to take this opportunity of thanking you all for the love and support you gave this last year.
We have had a very interesting year, we had a great big hole at the school, when thirteen children went on to another school. When the children did not settle at first we were devastated but we are happy to say that all but one did not make the grade. Christina (the school principal & teacher) was running two schools: the farm school here and arranged to have the thirteen children who went to town to visit her in the afternoons. With all the extra help she put in they finally managed to settle down and got good grades, thank goodness. They were all very proud of their reports.
End of this year we are losing another four children who move on in their schooling, but we have also started a grade R now and have quite a few new little ones starting in the new year.
I have been helping with the little ones to take some of the pressure of Christina and it has been great fun for us all.
We put on a Nativity play at the end of the year function, the first time we attempted anything like this and the kids really enjoyed the experience of dressing up and acting, they managed to put in on for several functions as well so they felt like real movie stars.
Next year we plan to do a revue and have been teaching them to dance etc, so that will be our next venture.
This one will be easier as there is no talking just dancing and singing, they really are enjoying the experience and of course they are so talented in both of these areas.
Our school is really looking good, we have painted our Logo on one of the walls of the old school room and also the South African Flag all looks very smart. We have also planted flowers and vegetables and the gardens are looking great.
Three of the children made it at athletics into the inter schools and one little girl got into the Eastern Free State trails but never got any further, but it was a great achievement for our school.
We visited Johannesburg again this year and took part in the netball and soccer and we did very well, the children also had the chance to spend the day at Crawford School and have lessons for a day with the children and their teachers was agreat experience for them all.
Our libary is comming along very nicely and is the envy of the other schools in the area. We also now have quite a collection of videos so the children really feel important and are able to see movies - something special in their lives.
Well friends, we thank you for your support at Carolina Farm School and are blessed to know that there are families like yourselves who have made a difference in our lives.
May God Bless you and your family.
Lots of love from all of us at Carolina Farm School.
Rose, Christina and all the children of 2005"