Sunday, June 24, 2007

Standing Up

Here is the latest Stand Up For Africa article in which I feature and hopefully help them get some publicity. Although the trip is over, I still support SUFA where possible and take the poverty problem seriously. It's all about making a decision to do the right things daily. I think most of the time it really is the little things that count.

Al Gore Inspiration

Check this out...

How come this guy didn't get to be the President? Hey?

In any case, politics aside, it's really time to make those differences that count. And each little bit we each do DOES cumulatively make a difference. So get the light bulbs, turn the heating down, insulate properly, fix the leaky tap and walk to the shop. Be a responsible citizen of the world. COME ON!!

Friends in South America

Here is another motorcycle story unfolding. Read about Alister and Maria doing South America on the same bikes as us.
(I met Maria at the Merton College mechanics course).