If he can do it - my gad! YOU can
This is the kind of story that puts all our travel adventures into perspective.
I can't tell you how many times people ask me how much it cost to do a big bike trip and all the gear and technicalities of the whole affair. There are big sighs and sucking in of breath as people calculate the cost of a big spangly BMW and the cost of the mountain of gear they will take plus hotel costs etc.... Not to mention how to face the loss of income when they throw all caution to the wind... So it is refreshing when some dude does it in a rediculous fashion on the oldest most dodgy bike I've seen in ages. Take a look at this and then kick yourself in the butt and go and travel BY ANY MEANS. http://slowwaydown.com/swd/about/.
And if you can't be wild and crazy and do stupid things, there is always a cool 2 week trip from Cape Town to Namibia with my company - Two Wheel Africa Tours. All set up for you on a hired bike that is all spangly.