Monday, August 15, 2005

Oh effing-eck

I’m feeling quite slapped. How is it that life will always, yes ALWAYS, do things you don’t expect at a time you least expect it. And how often the timing seems all out but some how is right but you didn’t see it coming?

I’ve been doing really well at work. Only it hasn’t been much fun or easy. I’ve had a really tough time and the only reason I’ve been able to rise above it all is because I’ve had the knowledge that I’m leaving. I’ve been pushed to work harder than ever before and all because I’ve had a really awful time. Awful but I’ve also come to have such a brilliant time because I turned it all around.

Dang dang dang!

So the long and the short of the whole story (which I won’t bore anyone with) is that due to my career taking a big turn in the upwards direction and increasing financial pressures the scale finally tipped towards delaying the trip.


I can hardly bear to think of it.

Another winter is already on the way.

But I’m not going to think about that. I’m going to focus on my future and my lucrative career. The fact we will have much more money to blow on the way. I’m at a really strange place where things are great and yet my dream is on hold but life right now is still groovy.